Team Spotlight: Matt Milauskas

Posted On Jan 25th 2021

Team Spotlight: Matt Milauskas

Job Title: Technical Support Representative Hometown: Geneva, IL


What do you like about working in this industry?

I love seeing all of the different applications that come our way. Working closely with our customers and distributors really opens your eyes to how much hardware there is out in the world.

What's your favorite aspect of your job?

I would say hearing back from our customers with good news that we either found the perfect part for them, provided a solution to their issue, or just satisfied their needs in any way. Also, the relationships that can be built while successfully working through a project are gratifying.

What's your favorite Sugatsune product and why?

HES3D-E190. From looks to performance, this hinge has it all. My personal favorite feature of this hinge is the fact that you can separate it into a frame and door half, to assist with quick installation.

What's your favorite book?

Steven King's "The Shining". 

What's your favorite TV show?

The Office. 

If you could have any superpower, what would it be? 

The ability to speak with animals has always been very appealing to me or flying like Superman.

What are some of your hobbies? 

I love golfing, playing ice hockey, learning new songs on the guitar, all types of art, building/painting Gundam models and cooking.
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